
10, avenue Princesse Grace
98000 Monaco
Martedì 26 aprile 2016, alle 20h
Serata-omaggio in occasione del 24° anniversario della scomparsa di Francis Bacon. Presentazione della mostra evento dell’estate 2016: "Francis Bacon, Monaco e la cultura francese", di Catherine Alestchenkoff, Direttrice degli eventi culturali del Grimaldi Forum Monaco. Proiezione del film "Francis Bacon, L'uomo e l’arena", di Adam Low, in partenariato con la Francis Bacon MB Art Foundation (Proiezione in lingua inglese, sottotitolata in francese). Ingresso gratuito su prenotazioneMartedì 26 aprile, alle 20 Grimaldi Forum Monaco
23 Mar

A Special Francis Bacon Evening in Monaco

The Grimaldi Forum is organising a unique evening event devoted to Francis Bacon on 26 April 2016.

On 26 April, the Grimaldi Forum is offering a special evening event in tribute to one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, Francis Bacon, as a preview to its major summer exhibition in Monaco and in connection with the 24th anniversary of the artist's death.

First of all, Catherine Alestchenkoff, Director of Cultural Events at the Grimaldi Forum, will reveal the highlights of the major exhibition "Francis Bacon, Monaco and French Culture," which will run from 2 July to 4 September 2016.

Through a presentation of some of the 70 works that will be on display this summer, the audience will be able to find out about Francis Bacon's close links with the Principality of Monaco.

Thanks to the support of the estate of Francis Bacon, a documentary film, "Francis Bacon, the Man and the Arena" by Adam Low, produced by the BBC, will then be shown (in English, with French subtitles).  The film looks back at the career of the artist, who is today regarded as one of the greatest painters of the human figure.

The evening event will take place at the Grimaldi Forum on 26 March at 8 p.m.


+377 9999 3000

[email protected]

Further information on the exhibition:

The address is as follows:

Grimaldi Forum

10 Ave. Princesse Grace, Monaco