Exhibition - "Monaco-Dolceacqua 500"

De quinta-feira, 20 de abril a segunda-feira, 8 de maio de 2023
The first temporary exhibition of the season in the Grands Appartements of the Prince’s Palace. A photographic exhibition entitled “Monaco-Dolceacqua 500” by artist Julien Spiewak. These photos are part of a series entitled Corps de Style which compares the shapes of the human body with a work of art or furniture. This exhibition is one of the events celebrating the twinning between Dolceacqua and Monaco, which will be officially concluded on 3 November, five centuries to the day after an oath of loyalty to Augustin Grimaldi, lord of Monaco, was pledged by the syndics of Dolceacqua.From Thursday 20 April to Monday 8 May 2023, Prince’s Palace State Apartments
Créditos das fotos: © Palais Princier