Theatre - "The Normal Heart"

Théâtre Princesse Grace
12, avenue d'Ostende
98000 Monaco
Quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2022 às 20h
New York, 1981. A mystery epidemic is cutting swathes through the gay community. Faced with denial and indifference, Ned Weeks denounces inaction and provokes a media storm. Written by Larry Kramer. Translated and directed by Virginie de Clausade, with Dimitri Storoge, Michaël Abiteboul, Joss Berlioux, Andy Gillet, Déborah Grall, Brice Michelini and Jules Pélissier. CHARITY EVENING IN AID OF THE FIGHT AIDS MONACO, as part of World Aids Day.Thursday 1 December 2022, at 8 pm, Théâtre Princesse Grace