Ever Monaco 2014

10, avenue Princesse Grace
98000 Monaco
De terça-feira, 25 a quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2014
"Ever Monaco 2014:" International forum and lectures on ecological vehicles and renewable energyFrom Tuesday 25 March to Thursday 27 March, Grimaldi Forum Monaco
26 nov

Salão Ever: de 25 a 27 de março de 2014, no Grimaldi Forum Mônaco

Criado em 2006, o Salão EVER associa a promoção de dois pilares fundamentais do desenvolvimento Sustentável: a energia e a mobilidade.

Desenvolver o uso das energias renováveis, simultaneamente com a eficiência energética, constitui o primeiro tema do “Ever 2014”. O segundo é aquele referente a uma mobilidade mais limpa, caracterizada pelo maior emprego dos veículos elétricos e híbridos no transporte individual.  

Com o especial apoio do Governo do Principado, da Fundação Príncipe Albert II e da Empresa Monegasca de Eletricidade e Gás, de 25 a 27 de março de 2014, ocorrerão conferências científicas no Grimaldi Forum acerca destas temáticas, assim como oficinas e mesas-redondas gratuitas abertas ao público, envolvendo pesquisadores, universitários, estudantes e dirigentes empresariais.  

Serão especialmente abordados os temas da transição energética e o seu impacto, os desafios da eficiência energética, as soluções futuras para o armazenamento de eletricidade. 

Em matéria de mobilidade, serão tratados o desenvolvimento e o futuro dos veículos limpos. Como no ano passado, uma mesa-redonda “Ladies in Mobility” será consagrada neste ano à mobilidade elétrica nas “Smart Cities”. Uma reunião do Clube dos Veículos Ecológicos de Paris está igualmente prevista.
Ponto de encontro da inovação nestas esferas e da difusão de boas práticas, o Salão EVER como sempre acolherá o evento “Juventude e Desenvolvimento Sustentável”.  

Em suplemento, o Salão Ever 2014 abrigará neste ano um espaço “Comunidade Sustentável” que apresentará energias renováveis, com estandes homogêneos e funcionais, propícios aos encontros profissionais, além de acolher a final do concurso METHA EUROPE 2014, organizado pelas Escolas de Minas sobre o tema do domínio da energia nos transportes e no habitat. 

Finalmente, o EVER será uma ótima oportunidade para apresentar e testar os mais recentes produtos da indústria automobilística em matéria de veículos elétricos.  
Para maiores informações, acesse: www.ever-monaco.com
26 fev

The Ever Monaco Show from 25 to 27 March 2014 at the Grimaldi Forum

Sustainable mobility is here!

EVER was created in 2006 with the aim of promoting two fundamental aspects of sustainable development – energy and mobility.

The first aspect of EVER 2014 is developing the use of renewable energy, in parallel with energy efficiency.  The second is cleaner mobility, characterised by the increased use of individual transport, such as electric vehicles and hybrids.

Scientific lectures will be offered from 25 to 27 March 2014 at the Grimaldi Forum on topics of interest to researchers, academics, students and business leaders.  There will also be workshops and round tables that are open to the public and free of charge.

The topics covered will include energy transition and its impact, the challenges of energy efficiency and innovative solutions for storing electricity.  On the subject of mobility, the growth and future of clean vehicles will be addressed.

As last year, there will be a  "Ladies in Mobility" round table.  This year, it will be devoted to electric mobility in "Smart Cities."

A meeting of the Paris Ecological Vehicles Club will also be held.

EVER is a hothouse for innovation and promoting good practice in these fields.  As usual, it will host the "Youth and Sustainable Development" meetings.

This year, Ever 2014 will also feature a "Sustainable Village," showcasing renewable energy, with grouped, functional stands that are conducive to business meetings.  It will also host the final of the Metha Europe 2014 competition, organised by the Écoles des Mines engineering schools on the theme of managing energy usage in transport and housing.

Finally, EVER will be an opportunity to present and try out the automobile industry's latest electric vehicle products.


11 mar

2nd Ladies in Mobility (LIM) at the Grimaldi Forum Monaco

The LIM conference will take place in connection with the Ever Monaco fair on 26 March 2014, on the theme of electric mobility in smart cities.

The aim of the LIM project is to offer Internet users a digital experience and help them find out about of aspects of sustainable mobility in cities.

Through studies, surveys, articles, video reports and projects, Internet users can immerse themselves in the world of new types of mobility, find out about opportunities and constraints in the sectors concerned and activities to promote sustainable development in cities and join LIM, enabling them to give solutions more visibility or try them out.

In 2014, the LIM Conference is going international, with participants from different countries, who will come for one day, 26 March, to share their way of implementing electric mobility in Smart Cities.

2nd Ladies in Mobility (LIM)
Grimaldi Forum Monaco
26 March 2014

For more info, see:  http://www.ladiesinmobility.com