Exposition - "Cinémato !"

С вторник 25 января по суббота 31 декабря 2022, с 10. до 17:30
Cinémato ! Albert I of Monaco, image and sound pioneer. Sovereign scholar and humanist, Prince Albert I (1848-1922) was interested, beyond passion for science, in all the innovative techniques of his time. Thanks to loans from the Archives of the Palace of Monaco and the Oceanographic Institute, the collections of the Audiovisual Institute and the know-how of its teams, this cabinet of curiosities intends to recall how much Prince Albert I was able to link the experience of photography and sound recording. Organised by the Audiovisual Institute of Monaco.From Tuesday 25 January to Saturday 31 December 2022, from 10am to 5:30pm (5pm on friday), Audiovisual Institute of Monaco