
Galerie Carré Doré
5, rue Princesse Caroline
98000 Monaco
From Thursday 19 April to Tuesday 8 May 2012, from 2 pm to 7 pm
"Personally Yours" – an exhibition of abstract artFrom Thursday 19 April to Tuesday 8 May, from 2 pm to 7 pm, Galerie Carré Doré
13 Apr

The Carré Doré Gallery in Monte Carlo presents a new exhibition

"Abstract Art : Personnally Yours" from 18 april to 8 may 2012


A feeling or the soul.  It is free of all ties to visual reality; it fulfils an emotional purpose or nourishes the mind. 

The artist expresses his or her intent with colours and shapes; he or she instinctively seeks release. The viewer, in turn, perceives abstract art in a highly personal way…

Four international artists present their work at the Carré Doré Gallery:
the Italian FAUSTO MINESTRINI known as “The Maestro”, the talented young French visual artist and sculptor GREGORY BERBEN, the Belgian painter ARSON ARSON and the Russian BORIS MARKOVNIKOV.

A private vernissage will be held on 18 April 2012 at 7:30 pm, in the presence of the artists.

The programme includes:

- An artistic performance: During the vernissage, the artist Minestrini will create an abstract work in situ.

- A musical performance: a live piano concert.

Vassilij Kandinsky: “The soul is a piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that causes the soul to vibrate by playing the different keys… ”