
Principality of Monaco
98000 Monaco
Da domenica 26 a lunedì 27 gennaio 2014
Commemorazione della Festa di Sainte-Dévote, Patrona della Famiglia Principesca del Principato di Monaco e della Diocesi di MonacoDomenica 26 e lunedì 27 gennaio, Principato di Monaco
16 Jan

Organ Concert for Saint Devota's Day in Monaco

Francesco Di Lernia will play at the Church of Saint Devota on 27 January at 4.30 p.m.

Francesco Di Lernia studied the organ, harpsichord and ensemble music in Italy and Germany and obtained the highest distinctions in his diplomas.  He is now an international concert performer and takes part in major festivals in Europe, the United States, South America and Asia.

He also performs with numerous soloists, groups and orchestras.

Francesco Di Lernia is regularly invited to give lectures, classes and seminars all over the world.  He is currently an organ teacher and director of the “Umberto Giordano” State Musical Conservatory in Foggia (Apulia, Italy).

On 27 January, he will perform works by Muffat, Corelli, Bach, Morandi, Kerll and Pachelbel.

Organ Concert
27 January 2014 at 4.30 p.m.
Church of Saint Devota (Eglise Sainte Dévote)
Free Admission

Further Information:  +377 98 98 83 03