Theatre - "As You Like It"

Théâtre Princesse Grace
12, avenue d'Ostende
98000 Monaco
Thursday 4 May 2023, at 8 pm
The young Duke, after banishing his elder brother, the old Duke, decides also to banish his niece Rosalind, the old Duke's daughter. But Célia, daughter of the young Duke, sees Rosalind as a sister. Together, the two young women decide to run away into the forest. The old Duke, the young Duke, the Old Duke's daughter, the young Duke's daughter, the Old Duke's friends, and the young Duke's friends, all come together in the Ardennes! Written by William Shakespeare, adapted by Pierre-Alain Leleu, and directed by Léna Bréban, with Barbara Schulz, Ariane Mourier, Lionel Erdogan, Pierre-Alain Leleu, Éric Bougnon, Léa Lopez, Adrien Urso, Adrien Dewitte, and Jean-Paul Bordes.Thursday 4 May 2023, at 8 pm, Théâtre Princesse Grace