Fort Antoine Theatre 2018 Season

2018年7月24日(火) 午後9時30分半
"Boxon(s) – Jusqu’à n’en plus pouvoir" ("Let's Box until We Can Box No More") by Le Petit Théâtre de Pain Company, organised by the Department of Cultural Affairs, MonacoTuesday 24 July, at 9.30 pm, Fort Antoine

In this play, life is presented as a succession of rounds, in which individuals receive more blows than they give.
How far and how can we accept the unacceptable? What are we ready to offer of ourselves?
"We wanted to talk about Power.  To embody the hydra that governs us:  the political, the financial, the big groups.  We wanted to understand what drives a man's enjoyment of acting on common destiny, but it is common destiny that has caught us."  Fafiole Palassio

With icy humour, the strange and the familiar go the rounds, in which questions of identity and the search for meaning are sent reeling.

From 14 years of age (1 hour 30 mins)