Theatre - "Le malade imaginaire en LA majeur"

Théâtre des Muses
45, boulevard du Jardin Exotique
98000 Monaco
自星期四 7至星期日 10 十二月 2023
The musical adaptation of Molière's masterpiece. Argan, a severe hypochondriac, plans to marry his daughter to a doctor, to ensure he always has a physician on hand to tend to his endless illnesses. But the young Angélique is in love with Cléante, and has no intention of going along with her father's wishes... This is a show packed with catchy tunes sung masterfully with piano accompaniment, arguments, a certain amount of coughing, a healthy dose of laughter, and as in all of Molière's comedies, a whole lot of love! The light-hearted, surprising adaptation sees four artists share a dozen roles, and though the titular invalid may be imaginary, the stakes could not be more real.Thursday 7, Friday 8 and Saturday 9 December at 8 pm, and Sunday 10 December at 4.30 pm, Théâtre des Muses