Expo Monaco Fair

5, avenue des Ligures
98000 Monaco
自星期三 22至星期一 27 十月 2014
Expo Monaco Fair organised by Monaco CommunicationFrom Wednesday 22 October to Monday 27 October, Espace Fontvieille




儿童世界,女性天地,装饰,美食,休闲,讲座及现场表演(如“家,甜蜜的家,美食区,健康世界和娱乐及时尚星球”等)—— 每一天,都会有不同的主题。

纵观这丰富多彩的为期一周的活动,庆祝精益求精,将有新颖的创意活动 - 现场烹饪演示,化妆试用区,儿童角,DIY体验区,以及有机会遇到明星,等等。这些讲座将为不同喜好的观众带来独特的观展体验。


"Terres Méditerranéennees" at the Monaco Fair and Exhibition

The association is presenting Monegasque culinary traditions and offering creative workshops on 24 October 2014

On Friday 24 October, as part of the Monaco Fair and Exhibition, Terres méditerranéennes is presenting some Monegasque Christmas culinary traditions from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. - “u pan de Natale” (Christmas bread), “a fugassa” ("fougasse" – traditional bread), “ë mariote e i gali” (dolls and cockerels made in fougasse dough) and “ë cubàiche” (nougat).

This will be followed by a creative workshop from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., which will take a new look at the tradition of “mariote e gali.

This initiative is aimed at adults and children over 5 years of age.

How to enrol:  Book by e-mail on t[email protected] or by telephone on 06 22 800 166, giving the names and ages of the children.

The presentation is free.
Workshop:  5 euros per item
Bring an apron!