"Photographic Distractions" Workshop

Médiathèque de Monaco - Bibliothèque Louis Notari
8, rue Louis Notari
98000 Monaco
星期一 18 六月 2018,于18点30分
The photography workshops are continuing at the Library, with a brand new concept!  Come with a camera and follow the rules of the game!Monday 18 June, at 6:30 pm, Médiathèque de Monaco (Bibliothèque Louis Notari)

"Learning without thinking is useless.  Thinking without learning is dangerous."  (Confucius)
So to avoid any danger, there's only one solution - learn, understand photography, know how to appreciate it and develop your own style, and no longer be limited by technique.
The camera will then become a valuable ally that will produce the images you want.