Cine Club

Médiathèque de Monaco - Bibliothèque Louis Notari
8, rue Louis Notari
98000 Monaco
星期三 6 六月 2018,于19点
Cine Club:  "Locataires" ("3-Iron") by Kim Ki-duk, presented by Hervé GoitschelWednesday 6 June, at 7 pm, Médiathèque de Monaco (Bibliothèque Louis Notari)

Tae-suk roams the streets on a motorbike.  He leaves leaflets on the door handles of houses.  When he returns a few days later, he can therefore tell if the houses are empty.  He then enters and occupies these uninhabited places, without ever stealing anything.  One day, he moves into an up-market house, where Sun-houa, a woman who is mistreated by her husband, lives ...

Cast:  Lee Seung-yeon, Jae Hee, Kwon Hyuk-ho, Mi-suk Lee, Ui-soo Lee