54th Monte Carlo Television Festival

10, avenue Princesse Grace
98000 Monaco
自星期六 7至星期三 11 六月 2014
54th Monte Carlo Television FestivalFrom Saturday 7 June to Wednesday 11 June, Grimaldi Forum Monaco




电视节组委会将评选出来自世界各地的最好的电视节目,授予金仙女奖。镀金的奖杯由摩纳哥雕塑家弗朗索瓦 - 约瑟夫博西奥设计。原作陈列在巴黎的卢浮宫博物馆。


更多信息: http://www.tvfestival.com/

Public Screening of a Film about Desmond Tutu as Part of the Monte-Carlo Television Festival

There will be a public screening of the film "Children of the Light" on 8 June 2014 at 5 p.m.

"Children of the Light" retraces the life of Desmond Tutu, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.  It highlights the essential role he played in the emergence of the "South African miracle."

The film goes back in time and retraces the steps of this South African archbishop, portraying dramatic images of his own life and the struggle against apartheid and suffering, which nevertheless inspired the process of truth and reconciliation in South Africa.

It then invites spectators to take a tour around the world to meet five young activists and directors living in Peru, Burma, East Timor, India and South Africa, who were inspired and influenced by Desmond Tutu's example and are agents of social change in their own communities.

"Children of the Light"
As part of the Monte-Carlo Television Festival
Sunday 8 June at 5 p.m.
Salle Prince Pierre, Grimaldi Forum