"Des écrivains parlent d’argent" by Fabrice Luchini

Théâtre Princesse Grace
12, avenue d'Ostende
98000 Monaco
自星期三 10至星期四 11 十月 2018
"Des écrivains parlent d’argent" ("Writers Talk About Money") by Fabrice Luchini with texts by Charles Péguy, Emile Zola, Pascal Bruckner, Karl Marx, Jean CauWednesday 10 and Thursday 11 October 2018, at 8.30 pm, Théâtre Princesse Grace

"The joy of talking about Charles Péguy, and continuing with Sacha Guitry, Émile Zola, Jean Cau, etc. All as part of a meticulous exercise, a diligent reading, with no obligation to create drama, on a subject which evokes strong passions, which resonates in each of us, and which the writers shed light on with their stylistic intuition."